Posted in Poem

A Letter to Women

Dear women,

Epitome of sacrifices,
Whose been hiding all those inner strifes,
You're more than a mother, a sister or a wife,
This world owes a plethora to your life.

The tears, hurt and pain,
That you managed to keep concealed
Behind that glossed smile,
Is the fons et origo of the world's glee.

Your heart's an ocean,
Deeper than Pacific,
With suppressed carvenous secrets,
No-one can ever manage to reach the abyss.

You are the perfect role model,
For every being out there,
You don't need to be made strong,
Strength already resides there.

A very happy women’s day to all the girls and ladies out there. And yes, i am back from hiatus…..finallyyyy! One more very important thing-i guess i have stopped receiving pingbacks now, so if any of my fellow bloggers has nominated me for any tag or award, then please drop the link down in comments .i am very sorry for the incovenience caused. Thats all for today, thank you for spending time to read this post. will meet soon again, till then

happy reading
